Impact Report Between
2020 - 2024
Since its operating in 2020, Bamnang Academy has hosted numerous educational events, both physical and digital, as well as campaigns focused on scholarships, motivation, and inspiring young leaders to pursue higher education. Bamnang Academy, an ambitious educational initiative headquartered in Cambodia, is dedicated to transforming the educational landscape through a diverse range of services and products that empower young leaders globally.
This report highlights our achievements, operational model, progress, and future aspirations, demonstrating our commitment to fostering educational excellence and global connectivity.
Community Events
Sharing is caring!
Kampong Chnang
The Meet and Greet is one of our key events, featuring our co-founder, Rothsethamony Seng. On July 14th, 2024, we hosted this event once again in Kampong Chhnang Province, under the theme "Tips to Stay Motivated in Studying and Finding Scholarships." We successfully received 205 registrations, with 180 young participants attending the event.
Meet and Greet
Grade A
The "Meet and Greet Grade A" is an event we specifically host for outstanding students who achieved a Grade A on their national exams. In 2021, the event was dedicated to guiding these high-achieving high school graduates in selecting university majors and featured guest speakers who provided valuable insights on maximizing opportunities in university.
Meet and Greet
My Major
"My Major" is an educational campaign launched in 2022, now in its third season. The campaign features a variety of components, including educational videos, informational posters, Zoom conferences, as well as both physical and virtual visits. Since its implementing, "My Major" has garnered significant engagement, with over a thousand registrations for participation. In the first season, more than 600 students registered to join the hybrid workshops. Each year, the campaign focuses on eight different majors, providing in-depth guidance and insights.